08/15 – Der Tod als Alltag
- Sarah Elena Schwerzmann
- Documentary
- May 15, 2021
- German
- 2021
- Switzerland
The documentary “08/15 — The Daily Lives of Death” portrays three people who are inevitably confronted with death on a daily basis. They all work in professions that hold a substantial presence in television programs; as a crime scene investigator, a forensic pathologist and a crime scene cleaner. The short film fathoms the disparity between death as a frowned upon taboo subject in society and death as a means of entertainment. The work addresses the fine line between reality and fictional portrayal. Simultaneously, it gives an intimate glimpse of the ramifications and effects that come with the daily confrontation with the fact that life and everything in it is finite.
Original/Alternative Title: 08/15 — The Daily Lives of Death
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