A young adult (Brian) is visited by his brother, Jeremy, who needs a place to stay as he settles into his new city. The two polar opposite personalities begin to clash as Jeremy’s presence poses a threat to Brian’s way of life. Brian’s uptight personality and unreasonable living standards rub off on Jeremy, creating an incredible amount of tension. Bad blood, stemming from a traumatic past event reveals the shocking truth of the brothers’ current situations, as Brian struggles to differentiate between reality and his worst nightmares.
Video & Photo
Random Movie
Crossing the North
Death Wish
Stay in the Game
Los Aspirantes
Every Sunday
Swing Shift Cinderella
Eames Lounge Chair
Room 731
Unica Zürn
Misguided Missile
When the Circus Stopped Being Fun
What Happened at the Veterans Home?
She Hulk
The Scarecrow
To the Limit
The V Card
Greener Grass
Duchovny Boy
The Witch & the Baby
This No Land
Lux Freer
Home Makeover
His Unlucky Night
Friends of Mine
Instruções para chorar
Cheesecake and Rainbow Tights
A Boy and His Atom: The World’s Smallest Movie
Nike – Good vs Evil