The blind work


Starting from a famous slogan of the 1977 political uprisings in Italy “work less, work for everybody “ a long and complex reflection on visual and music poetics on the meaning of work today has unraveled, in a precarious world from rights to privilege from hope of freedom to the certainty of slavery.

“A video in which the tools of digital post-production are combined with a distinctly ‘expressionist’ style that explicitly nods at the Baroque and composes images and literally ‘symphonic’ visual sequences that give a visual body to the distinctly political and ‘sentimental’ poetry of Voce as well as to the crossover music of Nemola and Fresu. The result is a sort of poetic digital wunderkammer, that is to say a reckless compelling and exciting realization of ‘total’ poetry”.

Original/Alternative Title: Il lavoro cieco

Video & Photo

1 photos