The Curious Case of the Boy Jones
- Diarmid Mogg, Megan Valentine
- Calvin Campbell, Dennis Mohr
- Animation, Short, SMDB
- March 1, 2021
- English
- 2021
- Canada
Following her coronation in 1838, Britain’s Queen Victoria was being relentlessly pursued by a strange teenager, Edward “the Boy” Jones, who had an uncanny ability to sneak into Buckingham Palace without being detected. “If he had come into my bedroom, how frightened I would have been,” the Queen wrote in her journal. As a result of his multiple intrusions into Buckingham Palace, the Boy Jones became a media celebrity. Fearful that he might injure or even assassinate the Queen, or kidnap the Princess Royal, the government of Prime Minister Lord Melbourne wanted to get rid of the Boy Jones at all costs.
The Curious Case of the Boy Jones from Dennis Mohr | Public Pictures on Vimeo.
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